Bothered by a double chin or jowls? Looking old and tired because of eye bags or deep wrinkles? Struggling with acne? If any of this sounds familiar, there’s one effective solution – Agnes RF. This revolutionary treatment can address these skin concerns, among others. What’s more, the treatments are quick, convenient, and pain-free without the need for anesthesia or incisions. Intrigued? Please keep reading to find out more.
Agnes RF is an advanced non-surgical cosmetic treatment platform that combines radiofrequency (RF) technology and precision microneedling. It is a minimally invasive, in-office treatment that is appropriate for all skin types and skin tones. The treatment is quick, virtually pain-free, and requires very little downtime.
As mentioned, Agnes RF combines microneedling and radiofrequency technology.
Microneedling is a type of collagen induction therapy. It involves pricking the skin with tiny needles to produce precisely controlled damage. The damage stimulates the body’s natural healing process. In response, the skin builds more collagen and elastin, which are skin-firming proteins. The result? Smoother, softer, tighter, and more youthful looking skin from within.
Agnes RF features insulated microneedles to protect the surrounding tissue. This helps to speed up healing and minimize downtime. The depth of the needles is precisely controlled to target the skin layers where collagen formation takes place.
Moreover, Agnes RF is a radio frequency (RF) microneedling device. Meaning, Agnes RF uses radiofrequency energy in addition to the skin microneedling. The channels created by the needles allow the RF energy to penetrate deep inside the skin. The heat from the radiofrequency energy further helps to stimulate collagen production in the skin.
Agnes RF was originally developed to treat acne. It permanently destroys sebaceous glands that cause clogged pores, which lead to acne. Agnes RF has a 96% cure rate for acne.
But this device is also very effective in performing non-surgical face and neck contouring, including upper facial rejuvenation and lower facial sculpting. Some of the concerns that can benefit from Agnes RF include:
Yes, Agnes RF is FDA approved for electrocoagulation and hemostasis in dermatological and general surgical procedures.
You don’t need any special preparation before Agnes RF. The treatment itself is quick and convenient. It usually takes 15-30 minutes and is performed in the office.
We will apply some topical numbing cream to keep you comfortable. Most patients report minimal discomfort during Agnes RF treatments. It’s a virtually painless treatment and feels more like a warm pressure in the treated area.
Occasionally, for deeper wrinkles or under eye bags, we may use local anesthetic injections.
You might have some minor redness, swelling, and discomfort in the treated area for 1-3 days. Icing can help calm this down.
Most people are able to return to work and normal activities right away after an Agnes RF treatment.
With deeper treatments, however, there may be some lingering sensitivity for up to 4 weeks after an Agnes RF session.
You will notice some improvement after your first Agnes RF treatment. However, a series of 3 treatments is usually recommended to achieve the best results.
You’ll need to be patient. Your results will continue to improve in the months following your Agnes RF treatments. This is because your skin needs time to build more collagen. Similarly, for eye bag treatment, the results develop over a period of 2-6 months as the accumulated fat is slowly removed by the body.
We will discuss treatment results with you at the time of your consultation to ensure you have realistic expectations.
The results can vary depending on the condition being treated. For example, Agnes RF permanently destroys sebaceous glands and has a 96% cure rate for acne.
Skin tightening and smoothening results last for 6-12 months on average. You can get repeat Agnes RF treatments to make your results last longer.
Other treatments for acne, such as chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing may not treat the underlying cause of acne. Rather, they address the visible effects of acne. Agnes RF, on the other hand, destroys the pore-clogging sebaceous glands in the skin. The treatment is therefore a permanent cure for acne.
We will discuss all the options with you during your consultation. Agnes RF can deliver amazing skin firming results that are otherwise hard to achieve with non-surgical treatments. It offers a non-surgical treatment option for concerns like lower eyelid fat bulging which usually require surgical correction.
In addition, Agnes RF can be combined with surgical treatments for even better results. For example, you could get Agnes RF treatments 3-6 months after a surgical facelift to enhance your final results. This is a versatile device that offers precision treatments using advanced skin science.
If you want to learn more about Agnes RF treatments, please book a consultation at RejuvaYou Medical. We offer a free evaluation to determine if RF microneedling treatment with Agnes RF can address your skin concerns. Call today and we will be happy to answer all your questions about Agnes RF.
Fill out the form below or call us to set up your FREE evaluation.
Dr. John Shieh, medical director of RejuvaYou Medical, has been featured on EXTRA, Entertainment Tonight, Forbes, CNN TLC, MTV, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Life & Style, People, and more. Dr. Shieh is a leading aesthetic physician in the US and one of the first to be certified on several advanced cosmetic technologies.
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