Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that’s used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this treatment may help those looking to reduce the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks. It’s also used in certain anti-aging procedures, such as eyelid surgery and sun spots. You may be an ideal candidate for this procedure if you’re in good health and have certain skin concerns that haven’t responded to home treatments or other types of dermatologic procedures, such as peels.
This may also be a final step before considering cosmetic surgery for anti-aging and other concerns. Learn more about microneedling and talk to your dermatologist to see if this is the right option for your skin.
Microneedling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen. The idea is that pinpricks from the procedure cause slight injury to the skin and that the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue.
This new skin tissue is, in turn, more even in tone and texture. It’s normal for the skin to lose collagen via age or injury. By encouraging the skin to make new tissue, there may be more collagen to help make the skin firmer, too.
During the procedure, your proider makes small pricks under the skin with a pen-like tool. The pinpricks are so small that you likely won’t notice them after the procedure. Your doctor will move the tool evenly across your skin so that the new skin that rejuvenates will be even, too. Before getting started, your provider will use a topical anesthetic to reduce the chances of pain. This is done about an hour before your treatment. The actual microneedling process takes approximately 30-60 minutes.
In addition to facial concerns, microneedling is sometimes used to treat stretch marks in other areas of the body. One study found that microneedling was effective for stretch marks on the thighs and abdominal area when combined with fillers.
Scarring on other body parts may also be treated with this procedure. However, microneedling is primarily used on the face.
Like all cosmetic procedures, microneedling isn’t without risk. The most common side effect is minor skin irritation immediately following the procedure. You may also see redness for a few days.
Microneedling isn’t invasive like plastic surgery, so the recovery time is minimal.
You may notice skin irritation and redness within the first few days following the procedure. This is a natural response to the small “injuries” made by the needles in your skin.
You can go back to work or school after the procedure if you’re comfortable. Some people apply camouflaging makeup during the first few days as the redness dissipates.
Your skin will also be more sensitive to the sun, so sunscreen is a must.
After microneedling, your skin works fairly quickly to rejuvenate new tissue. In theory, you should see results within a couple of weeks.
To maintain the results of your treatment, you’ll need multiple sessions and perhaps other complementing treatments. Our consultants can advise you on the best plan of action based on your individual goals.
Before the procedure, talk to our consultants about ways you can prepare so you have the best possible outcome. You may need to stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen and those for acne treatment, well in advance of the procedure.
Your doctor may also recommend that you stop using topical retinoids beforehand too. Doing so may reduce the risk of certain side effects.
During the procedure, we may also perform singleneedling for deeper scarring. Singleneedling is a technique used to improve the appearance of acne scarring. Patients have reported great improvements in their skin.
The needle gets deep into the scar from every angle to raise the area evening it with the surface of your face.
Microneedling treatments are $375.
Want to learn more about Microneedling? Not sure whether you’re a good candidate for this treatment? We will be happy to answer your questions and help you determine if Microneedling is right for you.
Call us, or fill out the form below to set up your Free Evaluation!
We recommend that you wait at least 4 hours before showering or washing your face. The microneedling treatment causes tiny punctures that allow the skin’s natural moisture to come out. The result of this may make the skin feel dry and sticky.
*If done in conjunction with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), please wait until the next day to shower or wash the face. Until then, just use the PRP to moisturize the face. A tightening of the face is normal here, just moisturize with the PRP to keep the face from feeling too tight.
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