Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. Though this condition affects millions of Americans, it’s not an inescapable part of life. In most cases, it is preventable. Otherwise it is treatable with lifestyle changes and other treatment approaches.
Urinary incontinence can also be an embarrassing problem. As with many potentially embarrassing or uncomfortable symptoms, those affected may be hesitant to speak up or ask questions about their condition.
Urinary incontinence occurs more often in women than in men, and it is a lot more common than you might expect. In fact, chances are that you know other people who have been affected by urinary incontinence.
The fact is that this common condition is treatable by a variety of approaches, and not speaking up about the problem means that you won’t have access to effective treatments. There is no shame in admitting the fact that there may be parts of your body that you’d like to change.
In fact, some of these parts may be your most sensitive of areas, but they may still be in need of rejuvenation. After having children or simply as a result of age, many women feel the need for vaginal rejuvenation. This may be due to vaginal looseness, incontinence issues when jumping, sneezing, or exercising, loss of sensation, dryness, and enjoyment during intercourse, or even just a loss of confidence in the appearance of your vaginal area.
Cases of urinary incontinence can often be caused by anatomic changes to your genitourinary tract, the use of certain medications, the onset of an illness, or due to chronic disease.
Urinary leakage or wetting can often occur during pregnancy, after childbirth, and around menopause. It can often be due to a pelvic floor disorder such as vaginal prolapse or a weakened sphincter muscle.
ThermiVa is a non-surgical, non-invasive in office procedure used for vulva or external vagina, perineum and the internal vaginal cavity for tightening.
ThermiAesthetics has developed an “S” shaped radio frequency probe linked to a generator that helps tighten external and internal vulvovaginal tissue and muscle via the thermistor tip which is located at the end of the radio frequency generator hand piece. The tip is designed for optimal comfort. There is no need for anesthetics, drugs, pain relievers or down time. The patients experience a comfortable warm sensation and no pain. Additionally, since there is no downtime, women can engage in sexual activity the same day.
The procedure takes approximately 30-60 minutes depending on the area of the vagina that needs to be tightened. The recommended course is 1 to 3 treatments one month apart. Three treatments are recommended for optimal results.
ThermiVa contracts the vaginal tissues to a tighter bundle. It also enhances collagen production, blood flow, and may help in tissue and nerve healing; a process known as Thermal Neurogenesis. Radiofrequency’s therapeutic effects on muscular and tissue healing are well known and have been used in physical therapy and medical practices for decades.
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