
Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite Treatment in South Pasadena, CA

What is Cellulite?

If you’re feeling down or frustrated because you’ve discovered areas on your body that contain that dreaded cottage-cheese like substance known as cellulite – you’re not alone. Approximately 90 percent of all women and 10 percent of men will develop cellulite, which is simply dimpled skin that stores excess fat, at some point during their lives. Diet habits, genetics and hormones all play into the development of cellulite, but rest assured it is not strictly a symptom of being overweight, as it can be a problem even for the most physically fit.

What are the symptoms of cellulite?

Most of us are all too familiar with cellulite – that unattractive, cottage cheese-like looking condition occurring underneath the skin. This uneven skin texture is not from a wound, and it is not painful. Cellulite is commonly found where fat is collected, like the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

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What Are the Causes of Cellulite?

Fat cells are found in compartments surrounded by connective tissue. Whenfat cells enlarge from an unhealthy lifestyle, a genetic predisposition or hormonal changes, they will put pressure on that connective tissue. This pressure will force the connective tissue upward towards the surface of the skin. This upward pressure is unbalanced, which is why the surface of the skin displays an uneven texture.

Genetics play a pivotal role in the production of cellulite, as does gender. Males rarely develop cellulite while the majority of women will see some sign of cellulite after puberty.Estrogen, the hormone responsible for female reproductive development, strongly influences cellulite production, as it, along with other hormones, directly affects metabolism. Because estrogen levels are so high in women and fluctuate throughout their lifetime, it is the major reason why women are so much more likely to form cellulite than men. Men also have a different structure to their fat tissue that aides in the prevention of cellulite formation.

There are other factors that contribute to the production of cellulite, and many of them are preventable. They include:

  • Age
  • Poor diet (High fat intake, High salt intake, Low fiber intake)
  • Inactivity
  • Dehydration
  • Extreme dieting
  • Smoking
  • Tight undergarments
  • Poor circulation
  • Hormonal changes (Menopause, Menstrual periods, Puberty, Oral contraceptives)
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How can cellulite be treated?

Cellulite is very difficult to treat, which is why attempted prevention is so important. Making lifestyle changes will improve the appearance of cellulite, especially eating healthy and exercising regularly. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and do not see a reduction in the appearance of cellulite, you are encouraged to schedule a consultation with a doctor that specializes in aesthetic medicine to discuss your options.

While there are topical creams that market the ability to reduce the appearance of cellulite, currently there is no scientific evidence available to offer in support of such claims.However, although the creams themselves may not prove to be effective, massaging problem areas will encourage circulation, which will help to breakdown the uneven fat deposits causing the condition.

For greater results, you will need to seek a more aggressive treatment. We have multiple treatments to help with cellulite.


For greater results, you will need to do seek a more aggressive treatment. Our treatment is a noninvasive, body contouring procedure that utilizes heat, suction and radiofrequency to massage your problem areas. This process will encourage lymphatic drainage and circulation. As a result, your body will increase its cellular metabolism and collagen deposits, while also reducing fat cells. The treatment will create a smoother, healthier appearance to your skin with the added benefit of reducing the size of the area treated.

Radial Pulse Therapy

RejuvaYou’s Radial Pulse Therapy uses high-energy radial shockwaves which are applied to the skin. These shockwaves improve blood circulation and the drainage of waste through the lymphatic system to strengthen connective tissue. The body responds to the sound waves with increased metabolic activity in the form of lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation.

The end result is an improvement in the appearance of cellulite resulting in healthier, collagen-rich tissue with a renewed ability to retract around muscle and bone.

Laser Lipo

For an even more aggressive treatment, there is Laser Liposuction. This advanced treatment is superior to traditional liposuction. This is a minimally invasive procedure that is capable of not only reducing fat, but also correcting the texture irregularities cellulite causes. These procedures trump traditional liposuction because they minimize trauma and promote proper healing. By minimizing the trauma to your body, there will be minimal scar tissue, culminating in optimal results. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Cellulite usually occurs after puberty and is typically noticeable in the buttocks, thighs, belly and the back.
Lifestyle factors may contribute cellulite, such as improper diet or lack of exercise. In addition, tight clothing that restricts blood flow for long periods of time may lead to cellulite. Hormones and genetics play a key role in the development of cellulite.
In women, fat cells and connective tissue are arranged vertically in which protruding fat cells give the appearance of cellulite. Men, on the other hand, have a criss-cross structure which may explain why men are less likely to have cellulite than women.
As we age the skin loses elasticity. On top of that, aging reduces muscle and increases fat, which can turn into cellulite.
Skinny women can get cellulite just like everyone else. Skinny people can be skinny fat- which means that they have a high percentage of body fat. Genetics influence the distribution of fat in the body and can determine if and where you get cellulite. Cellulite is more than just fat tissue, it is fat tissue, fiber tissue, collagen and elastin. This explains why a reduction in fat does not always mean a reduction in cellulite.
At RejuvaYou, we have multiple cellulite treatments and fat reduction treatments that can help with the appearance of cellulite. We have technologies that utilize lasers, light energy, radiofrequency, shockwave and soundwave therapy. Once we are able to evaluate the area, we can determine which treatment may be the most effective for you.
Running burns calories, which can reduce your overall body fat. This may result in an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Other exercises such as walking, hiking, working out, cycling, etc. can burn calories as well, which can help to address cellulite. Cellulite is more than just fat tissue. Cellulite issues are caused by fat tissue, fiber tissue, collagen and elastin. This explains why a reduction in fat does not always mean a reduction in cellulite.
People of all body types and weights can have cellulite. The distribution of fat in women tends to be more visible than in men. Collagen fibers between the skin and muscle separate fat into pockets. Cellulite issues are caused by fat tissue, fiber tissue, collagen and elastin. At RejuvaYou, we utilize technologies that can help by tightening the skin and promoting blood circulation which helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Excess sugar or diets high in fat can cause cellulite to look worse on some days. Sugar expands fat cells because they are deposited there. Too much salt can also cause you to retain fluids, making the appearance of cellulite worse.
When someone is sitting all day, blood flow is reduced and can result in changes in areas that are susceptible to cellulite.